我院2021届作物遗传育种学专业博士生杨晟同学获得Plant Cell & Environment 杂志颁发的2021年度杰出学生论文奖


    近日,我院遗传育种专业2021届博士生杨晟同学因其在国际植物学主流刊物《Plant Cell & Environment》杂志发表的Solanaceous Plants Switches to Cytokinin-Mediated Immunity against Ralstonia solanacearum under High Temperature and High Humidity研究论文获得该杂志颁发的2021年度优秀学生论文奖。该论文首次提出了辣椒等茄科植物在常温下应答青枯菌侵染的防御反应中激活SAJA介导的免疫反应,但在高温高湿下SAJA免疫反应被关闭,转而激活细胞分裂素介导的免疫反应。因为该研究具有突出的创新性而获得此项殊荣。

    据悉,杨晟同学是福建农林大学生命学院生物科学专业2014届本科毕业,福建农林大学2021届遗传育种专业博士毕业,于2012年开始进入何水林教授实验室开展科研训练,并完成本科和硕博士连读直至博士研究生毕业,围绕着辣椒耐高温高湿和抗病的关联以及辣椒等茄科植物在高温高湿下抗病机制等领域开展了较为系统的研究,在New Phytologist, Plant Cell & Environment Mol Plant Microbe Interact等传统主流刊物上发表第一作者论文4篇,在Journal of Experiment Botany, Plos GeneticsPlant and Cell Physiology等刊物上发表共同第一作者论文7篇。


 1. Sheng Yang,Weiwei Cai et al.A CaCDPK29-CaWRKY27b module promotes CaWRKY40-mediated thermotolerance and immunity to Ralstonia solanacearum in pepper. New Phytologist2022,233,4: 1843-1863

2.Sheng Yang,Weiwei Cai et al.Solanaceous Plants Switches to Cytokinin-Mediated Immunity against Ralstonia solanacearum under High Temperature and High Humidity.plant cell & environment2022,45,2: 459-478

3. Weiwei Cai, Sheng Yang, et al. CaSWC4 regulates the immunity-thermotolerance tradeoff by recruiting CabZIP63/CaWRKY40 to target genes and activating chromatin in pepper. PLoS Genet,2022, 18,2: e1010023.(共同第一作者)

4. Sheng Yang, Yangwen Zhang,Weiwei Cai et al. CaWRKY28 Cys249 is required for interaction with CaWRKY40 in the regulation of pepper immunity to Ralstonia solanacearum.[J] .Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 2021.34,7: 733-745

5. Sheng Yang , Yuanyuan S , Longyun Z , et al. Pepper CaMLO6 Negatively Regulates Ralstonia solanacearum Resistance and Positively Regulates High Temperature and High Humidity Responses[J]. Plant and Cell Physiology2020,61,7: 1223-1238.

6.Cai Hanyang,Yang Sheng,Yan Yan et al. CaWRKY6 transcriptionally activates CaWRKY40, regulates Ralstonia solanacearum resistance, and confers high-temperature and high-humidity tolerance in pepper.[J] .J Exp Bot, 2015, 66: 3163-74.(共同第一作者)

7.Shen Lei,Liu Zhiqin,Yang Sheng et al. Pepper CabZIP63 acts as a positive regulator during Ralstonia solanacearum or high temperature-high humidity challenge in a positive feedback loop with CaWRKY40 .J Exp Bot, 2016, 67: 2439-51.(共同第一作者)

8.Shen Lei,Yang Sheng,Yang Tong et al. CaCDPK15 positively regulates pepper responses to Ralstonia solanacearum inoculation and forms a positive-feedback loop with CaWRKY40 to amplify defense signaling. .Sci Rep, 2016, 6: 22439. (共同第一作者)

9.Qiu Ailian,Lei Yufen,Yang Sheng et al. CaC3H14 encoding a tandem CCCH zinc finger protein is directly targeted by CaWRKY40 and positively regulates the response of pepper to inoculation by Ralstonia solanacearum. Mol Plant Pathol, 2018, 19: 2221-2235. (共同第一作者)

10.Furqan A M , Sheng Yang , Wu R , et al. Capsicum annuum HsfB2a positively regulates the response to Ralstonia solanacearum infection or high temperature and high humidity forming transcriptional cascade with CaWRKY6 and CaWRKY40. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2018(共同第一作者)

11.Liu Zhiqin,Shi Lanping,Yang Sheng et al. Functional and Promoter Analysis of ChiIV3, a Chitinase of Pepper Plant, in Response to Phytophthora capsici Infection.Int J Mol Sci, 2017, 18. (共同第一作者)