Introduction of the College of Agriculture (FAFU)


The College of Agriculture is one of the oldest colleges of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, with a history as long as 88 years. Currently, there are three departments, including Department of Agronomy, Department of Seed Science and Engineering, Department of Plant Sciences & Technology. The college has one national key discipline: Crop Genetics & Breeding, one National Sugarcane Engineering & Technology Center. The college offers three undergraduate majors, including agronomy, seed science and engineering and plant sciences & technology. We have recruited master graduates since 1962 and doctoral graduates since 1986 in the field of crop science.

The college employs 87 full-time faculty members including 30 professors and 32 associate professors. Among them there are 18 national level talents, including one double-employed Academician, one national distinguished talent, one Yangtze River Scholar and one National Outstanding Youth Fund winner, the chief scientist of the national sugar cane industry system, the country’s outstanding contribution expert, and the country’s 100-1000-10000 talents, etc.

The college has a modern on-campus experimental farm, two national and one provincial off-campus practice bases. In the college there are seven research institutes, five ministerial and provincial key laboratories, nine provincial or ministerial research centers, four national or provincial academic units. The total value of instruments and equipment exceeds 40 million yuan.

In last decades, the college has established academic exchange programs with foreign research institutions and universities from more than 10 countries including USA, UK, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, Japan, etc. We receive some foreign students each year for different educational programs and currently have 38 foreign graduates.